The Earned Income Tax Credit helps you save more of your earnings and can even provide a refund. As a single parent, you may now qualify for this tax credit. Check with your tax professional or the EITC Assistant .
Here is the table for the 2010 earned income credit amounts. If you are a single parent, you may now qualify for the EIC, even if you did not previously qualify. Be sure to take advantage of the EIC and any tax breaks you may qualify for after your Florida divorce.
Earned Income Credit | ||
Tax Year 2010 | ||
No. of Children | Maximum credit | Earned Income/AGI Each Less Than |
0 | $457 | $13,460 ($18,470 if Married Filing Joint) |
1 | $3,050 | $35,535 ($40,545 if Married Filing Joint) |
2 | $5,036 | $40,363 ($45,373 if Married Filing Joint) |
3 or more | $5,666 | $43,352 ($48,362 if Married Filing Joint) |